Amal Foundation for the Advancement of Mathematics –in Sudan (AFAM); AFAM is a non-profit organization legally registered with the Humanitarian Aid Commission (Number 4844). AFAM is a membership society for the advancement, dissemination, and promotion of mathematical knowledge.
Amal Asim El Moghraby graduated from the school of Mathematical Sciences, University of Khartoum, Sudan. Amal went on to earn a Master’s and PhD degrees in Applied Mathematics, from Brown University, USA. She was privileged to have worked with Field Medallist in Neuro Mathematics, and distinguished professor of Oceanography lectured in Duke University at Chapel Hill, Assistant Professor Of Mathematics at BENNETT College For Women, and finally Assistant Professor of Mathematics at North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University. Sadly, Amal was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in April 2014.
Despite her struggle with illness, her love of family, loyalty to friends, dedication to the institutions where she was educated, passion for mathematics, and strong desire to promote mathematics in her native country never waned.
During her annual visits to The Sudan, recognizing her privileged opportunity as a Sudanese/ American and African Woman mathematician, she was determined to share what she had acquired as expertise and knowledge with her fellow mathematicians. She made presentations on her research and discussed with students, colleagues, and friends how she could best help raise the standards of mathematics, in The Sudan, from her various academic positions that she had held. Her premature departure made it impossible to realize some of the many ideas she had in that regard.
In a memorial lecture on 19th April 2017, Amal’s mentors and distinguished world-renowned mathematicians recommend that a foundation, promoting the importance of mathematics, to be established. Not only nationally but regional and global, Amal maintained strong relationships with her Brown peers and fellow lectures in all the institutions she worked. Thus Amal Foundation for the Advancement of Mathematics in Sudan came into being.